
Child Psychology is about understanding the thought processes and actions of children and interpreting them to resolve emotional or behavioural issues

girl hiding behind jumper looking anxious
girl sitting under tree looking worried
boy sitting on a ball at the beach looking lonely

About Independent and Staff Psychologists Consulting at Adelaide Paediatrics

Child Psychology specialises in understanding thought processes and actions of children and interpreting them to help resolve issues causing emotional or behavioural problems.

Paediatric psychologists can also perform psycho-educational assessments to provide information regarding a child’s intellectual capacity, or cognitive functioning, and their academic achievement. A psycho-educational assessment also helps identify any specific learning difficulties.

Learn more about Psycho-educational Assessments

How does a Psychologist help?

Child psychology can help children and families with:

  • Behavioural problems

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Depression

  • Adjustment disorders

  • School issues (such as bullying, performance anxiety and perfectionism)

  • Toileting issues

  • Sleeping problems (including delayed sleeping patterns, settling difficulties, sleep association

  • problems, issues with initiating or maintaining sleep, and trouble waking in the morning)

  • Trauma and attachment disorders

  • Body image and eating concerns

  • Dealing with grief

  • Developing parenting skills, particularly for parents of children with a disability or challenging behaviours

  • Developing positive behaviour plans and proactive approaches to meltdowns

  • Assessment and intervention of Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Psycho-educational assessment

Meet Consulting Psychologists

Make a booking

Independent Medical Specialists consulting in private practice at Adelaide Paediatrics triage incoming referrals and aim to accommodate urgent referrals as soon as possible, offering the earliest available appointment with a paediatrician