toddler dressed warmly and playing in a field
girl with blond har
smiling happy boy with dark hair

Providing Feedback

How can I provide feedback or lodge a complaint?

We value your feedback and welcome compliments, complaints and suggestions to enable us to respond to any issues raised, and gather data to inform the continuous improvement of service delivery at Adelaide Paediatrics.

Adelaide Paediatrics supports a culture that recognises a complainant’s right to provide feedback and provides mechanisms for grievances to be addressed in a constructive, fair, and efficient manner.

Who do I contact?

  • You can contact us in person at any of our locations

  • You can contact us via phone at any of our locations

Contact Details

Ashford T 08 7123 6171
Bedford Park T 08 7123 6149
Elizabeth Vale T 08 7123 6148
Kensington Park T 08 7123 6176
Mile End SuperGym Therapy & Rehab Centre T 08 7123 6147
Morphett Vale T 08 7123 6163
Mount Barker T 08 7123 6175
North Adelaide T 08 7123 6173
Wayville T 08 7123 6177

Adelaide Paediatrics Complaints Policy is available upon request.